Link library for Spain
Gabinet d’Estudis Socials (2007): Spain Country Report, Undocumented Worker Transitions , July 2007.
Alañón, A., Gómez, M. (2003): An evaluation of the degree of tax non-compliance for the Spanish provinces , Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid.
CES (Economic and Social Council) (2004): Report on immigration and the labor market in Spain , (Madrid: CES).
Díez Nicolás, J., Ramírez, MJ (2001): The voice of immigrants , IMSERSO.
Finotelli, C. (2007): Italy, Spain and the Mediterranean migratory model in the XXI century , Real Instituto Elcano. ARI 58/2007.
Gabinet d’Estudis Socials (2007): Spain Country Report, Undocumented Worker Transitions , July 2007.
Garrido, L. (2004): To quantify foreigners in Economists , January 2004, No. 99, pages 28-37.
Godenau, D., Zapata, V. (eds.) (2005): Irregular immigration , multidisciplinary approach , Area der Desarrollo Economico.
Godenau, D., Zapata, V. (eds.) (2007): Irregular migration in Tenerife , Area der Desarrollo Economico.
González-Enríquez, C. (2008): The other immigrants. Community Europeans from rich countries , Elcano Royal Institute, ARI 37/2008.
González-Enríquez, C. (eds.) (2008): Unions before immigration , Permanent Immigration Observatory Documents, Government of Spain, Ministry of Labor and Immigration.
Moreno, J. (2005): The regularization of undocumented migrants as a mechanism for the? Emerging? of the Spanish underground economy , Comparative Policy Unit, CSIC, 2005.
Pajares, M. (2007): Immigration and the labor market , Permanent Immigration Observatory.