Link library for the Czech Republic
Drbohlav, D., Horáková, M., Janská, E. (2005): The Czech Republic. In: J. Niessen, Y. Schibel, C. Thompson (eds.): Current Immigration Debates in Europe. A Publication of the European Migration Dialogue. Brussels: Migration Policy Group, p. 65-99.
Drbohlav, D. (1999): Imigranti v České republice (s důrazem na ukrajinské pracovníky a ?západní? firmy operující v Praze) (Immigrants in the Czech Republic with the Focus on Ukrainian Workers and Western Companies Operating in Prague). Výzkumná zpráva grantu ?Research Support Scheme? č. 662/1995. Praha.
Drbohlav, D., Lupták, M., Janská, E., ?elepová, P. (1999): Ukrajinská komunita v České republice (Ukrainian Community in the Czech Republic). Research report for the Czech Ministry of the Interior. Praha: Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague.
Drbohlav, D., Horáková, M., Janská, E. (2005): The Czech Republic. In: J. Niessen, Y. Schibel, C. Thompson (eds.): Current Immigration Debates in Europe. A Publication of the European Migration Dialogue. Brussels: Migration Policy Group, p. 65-99.
Holá, B. (2007): Cizinci v ČR ? regionalizace dat a dal?í problémy a výzvy (Foreigners in the Czech Republic ? data regionalization, other problems and challenges). Paper presented at the XXXVII. Demographical conference of the Czech Demographical Society, Olomouc, May 23-24, 2007.
Horáková, M. (2006): Zahraniční pracovní migrace v Česku dva roky po vstupu ČR do EU (Foreign Labour Migration to the Czech Republic Two Years after Joining the EU). Praha: VÚPSV.
Horáková, M. (2005): Cizinci na trhu práce v České republice 1994-2004 (Foreigners on the Czech Labour Market in 1994 ? 2004). Praha: VÚPSV.
Horáková, M. (2000): Legal and Illegal Labour Migration in the Czech Republic: Background and Current Trends. Informal network on foreign labour in Central and Eastern Europe, ILO/Luxemburg Co-operation: Project RER/97/MO2/LUX. ILO International Migration Papers, No. 32, Geneva: ILO.
Horáková, M., Kux, J. (2003): Country Study on Informal Economy in the Czech Republic. Prague: Research Institute of Labour and Social Affairs.
Intermundia (2005): Research on Trafficking in Human Beings in Particular for the Purpose of Forced Labour. Report on Research Results. Havířov: Intermundia.
Rákoczyová, M., Trbola, R., Vyhlídal, J., Kofroň, P. (2007): Zaměstnavatelé zahraničních pracovníků v České republice a jejich role v procesu integrace (Employers of Foreign Workers in the Czech Republic and their Role in the Integration Proces). Praha: VÚPSV.
Zpráva o situaci v oblasti migrace na území České republiky za rok 2006 (Report on Migration in the Territory of the Czech Republic in the Year 2006). Praha: MV ČR, 2007.
Zpráva o situaci v oblasti migrace na území České republiky za rok 2005 (Report on Migration in the Territory of the Czech Republic in the Year 2005). Praha: MV ČR, 2006.