Germany: Organisations and projects

Organisations and projects in Germany

Links include large organizations that have repeatedly addressed irregular migration and projects that solely focused on the issue or closely related topics. Users are invited to provide additional links.


Aktiv: Under the headings ?Active against deportation, no human being is illegal?, the website collects campaigning issues and documentations.

Jörg Alt: One of the pioneer researchers in the field has a personal website with a lot of material.

Asyl in der Kirche e. V.: The Organization ?asylum in churches? is an umbrella organisation for a network of Christian parishes offering asylum to refugees threatened by deportation to a non-secure country. It engages in political lobbyism, provision of information, training courses and counselling.

Berlin-Institut für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung: The Berlin-Institute for Population and Development is an independent non-partisan research institute, improving the perception of migration in the public opinion. It provides an overview over concepts and trends in irregular migration in German.

BKA (Bundeskriminalamt): The German Federal Criminal Police Office is the a federal police agency in Germany. It publishes among others police criminal statistics which contain information on police investigations against irregular migrants.

 (Bundesministerium des Inneren): The  Federal Ministry of the Interior provides information on migration, integration, refugees and asylum seekers. On request of the coalition government, it prepared a report on needs for action with regard to irregular migrants in 2007.

DIM (Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte): The German Institute for Human Rights provides information on the human rights situation within and outside Germany, including policy advice and international co-operation. It provides several reports on the human rights of irregular migrants, such as the report of the Working group Illegality/Health (Bericht der Bundesarbeitsgruppe Illegalität/Gesundheit) on the Health status of illegal migrants in Germany .

Efms (Europäisches Forum für Migrationsstudien): The European Forum for Migration Studies (Europäisches Forum für Migrationsstudien) at the University of Bamberg has several research fields, among them illegal migration and human trafficking.

FZAA (Forschungszentrum für Internationales und Europäisches Ausländer- und Asylrecht): The Center for European Law on Immigration and Asylum is associated with the University of Konstanz. Its research focus is the impacts of international and European law on German Law on Immigration and Asylum. It provides texts of law on Immigration and Asylum from different countries for download.

Hamburg study (Leben in der Schattenwelt. Studie zur Situation von Menschen ohne gültige Papiere in Hamburg): The study was commissioned by the Diakonisches Werk in Hamburg in 2008. Its main focus is the life situation of migrants without residence status in Hamburg.

HWWI (Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut): The Hamburg Institute of International Economics is an independent, non-profit research organisation specialised in the early recognition of economic, political and societal trends. Its Migration Research Group works on a range of migration topics, including migration control, labour market integration and migration policies.

Heinrich Böll Stiftung: The Heinrich Böll Foundation is a political Foundation (Bündnis 90/die Grüne). It offers a variety of downloads on the topics of refugees, illegal immigration and related topics in German.

 (Institut Für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien): The Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies is a research institute at the University of Osnabrück. Under the heading Migration and Integration in Law and Politics, it deals ? among other issues ? with irregular migration.

A project collaboration in a fair trade context has a focus on persons without papers.

Katholisches Forum Leben in der Illegalität: The Catholic organisation promotes human rights for migrants without status