World: Link library

Link library: World


Muse-Orlinoff, L. (2012): Staying Put but Still in the Shadows: Undocumented Immigrants Remain in the Country Despite Strict Laws, Center for American Progress, Washington, February 2012.


Doomernik, J., Gsir, S., Kraler, A. (2005): Prospects on Migration Management: Opportunities and Pitfalls (Thematic Area 4: Modes of Regulation). In: Heinz Fassmann, Ursula Reeger, and Wiebke Sievers (Eds.): International Migration and its Regulation. IMISCOE State of the Art Report Cluster A1. Vienna: KMI, pp.34-45. 

Duvell, F., Triandafyllidou, A., Vollmer, B. (2008): Ethical issues in irregular migration research, Report prepared for the CLANDESTINO project, October 2008 

Faist, T. (2005):  The Migration-Security Nexus: International Migration and Security before and after 9/11, Center on Migration, Citizenship and Development Working Papers No. 9.

GCIM (2005): Migration in an interconnected world: New directions for action, Global Commission on International Migration, Geneva.

Levinson, A. (2005): The Regularisation of Unauthorized Migrants: Literature Survey and Country Case Studies, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), Oxford: COMPAS.

Muse-Orlinoff, L. (2012): Staying Put but Still in the Shadows: Undocumented Immigrants Remain in the Country Despite Strict Laws, Center for American Progress, Washington, February 2012.

Papademetriou, Demitrios (2005): The ?Regularization? Option in Managing Illegal Migration More Effectively: A Comparative Perspective. MPI Policy Brief, September 2005, No.4. 

Passel, J. (2007): Unathorized migrants in the United States: estimates, methods and characteristics, Social, Employment and Migration, WP 57. OECD.

Pew Hispanic Center (2011): Unauthorized immigrants: lenght of residency, patterns of parenthood, Washington.

Schneider, F. (2004): ?Shadow economies around the world. What do we know??, CREMA working papers 2004-03.

Schneider, F. (2005): Rückläufige Schattenwirtschaft in Deutschland, Österreich und in anderen OECD-Ländern ? Fluch oder Segen?

Schneider, F., Enste, D. (2005): Schattenwirtschaft und Irreguläre Beschäftigung: Irrtümer, Zusammenhänge und Lösungen

Tapinos, G. (1999): Clandestine Immigration: Economic and Political Issues, in OECD (1999), Trends in International Migration, Annual Report, Paris: OECD. 

UNODC (2009): United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. Human Trafficking – a crime that shames us all. February 2009. 

UNODC (2010): Smuggling of migrants, A Global Review and Annotated Bibliography of Recent Publications, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna.

UNODC (2010): Smuggling of migrants into, through and from North Africa, A thematic review and annotated bibliography of recent publications, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, New York.