Link library for Greece
EMN (2012): Practical measures for reducing irregular migration, Study carried out by the Greek Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN).
Anastasios, K., Sofia, A, Vasilios, Z. (2008): Immigration in Greece: The Immigrants? Intentions of Returning to their Land of Origin ? the Case of the region Kavala/North Greece, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (19).
Baldwin-Edwards, M. (2004): Statistical data on immigrants in Greece: an analytical study of available data and recommendations for conformity with EU standards, Final Report for the Hellenic Migration Policy Institute (IMEPO), Mediterranean Migration Observatory, Panteion University, Athens.
Cabot, H. (2008): The Pink Card: Documenting Legal Limbo, ELIAMEP Seminars, Athens, June 2008.
Cholezas, I., Tsakloglou, P. (2008): The Economic of Immigration in Greece: Taking Stock of the Existing Evidence, IZA Discussion Paper No. 3754, Bonn, October 2008.
EMN (2012): Practical measures for reducing irregular migration, Study carried out by the Greek Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN).
Kasimis, C. (2012): Greece: Illegal Immigration in the Midst of Crisis, Country Profile, Migration Policy Institute, Washington, March 2012.
Lianos, T, Kanellopoulos, K., Gregou, M., Gemi, E. & Papakonstantinou, P. (2008): Estimate of the size of foreigners residing illegally in Greece, Athens: IMEPO.
Pro-Asyl ed. (2007): The truth may be bitter but it must be told: the situation of refugees in the Aegean and the practices of the Greek Coast Guard, Frankfurt: Forderverein Pro Asyl e.V.
Tonchev, P. (ed.) (2007): Asian Migrants in Greece: Origin, Status and Prospects, Institute of International Economic Relations, Department of Asian Studies, January 2007.
Triandafyllidou, A. (2005): Greek Migration Policy: problems and directions, Policy Papers No 6, Athens: ELIAMEP (in Greek).
Triandafyllidou, A., Gropas R. (2007): Greek Education Policy and the Challenge of Migration: An Intercultural View of Assimilation. Emilie Policy Brief, ELIAMEP, Athens.