Link library: Europe
Morehouse, C.; Blomfield, M. (2011): Irregular Migration in Europe. Migration Policy Institute. Washington. (Transatlantic Council on Migration).
World Health Organisation, Regional Office for Europe (2010): Migrants and Healthcare: Responses by European Regions (MIGHRER), Complete reference material.
Council of Europe (2007): Regularisation Programmes for Irregular Migrants. Report. Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population. Rapporteur: Mr. John Greenway, United Kingdom, European Democrat Group. Strassbourg: Council of Europe.
de Haas, H., (2007): The myth of invasion. Irregular migration from West Africa to the Maghreb and the European Union. Oxford: International Migration Institute.
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European Migration Network (2007): Illegally Resident Third Country Nationals in EU Member States:state approaches towards them, their profile and social situation, January 2007.
European Commission (2003): Communication from the Commission to the Council, European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Council and the Committee of the Regions on Immigration, Integration, and Employment, COM (2003) 336 final, Brussels, 3.6.2003.
European Commission (2004): Study on the links between legal and illegal migration. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, COM (2004) 412 final, Brussels, 4.6.2004.
European Commission (2006): Communication from the Commission on Policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third country nationals, COM (2006) 402 final, Brussels, 19.7.2006.
European Commission (2007): Undeclared Work in the European Union. Special Eurobarometer.
European Commission (2008): Examining the creation of a European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR). Communication form the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic And Social Committee and the Committee of the regions: COM (2008) 68 final, Brussels, 13.02.2008.
European Parliament (2008): Trends on regularization of Third Country Nationals in Irregular situation of stay across the EU, Directorate-General Internal Policies, Policy Department C, Citizens Rights and Constitutional Affairs, PE 393.282.
FRONTEX (2009): The impact of the global economic crisis on illegal migration to the EU, Risk Analysis Unit, Warsaw, Ausgust 2009.
Gibney, M. J. (1999): Outside the Protection of the Law – The Situation of Irregular Migrants in Europe, Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre.
HUMA (2009): Access to health care for undocumented migrants and asylum seekers in 10 EU countries. Law and practice. Report prepared by the HUMA network (Health for Undocumented Migrants and Asylum Seekers).
Hungarian Helsinki Committee (2008): Access to Protection at Airports in Europe. Report on the monitoring experience at airports in Amsterdam, Budapest, Madrid, Prague, Vienna and Warsaw. Budapest.
ICMPD (2010): Study on the assessment of the extent of different types of trafficking in EU countries. Vienna: ICMPD.
ICMPD (2009): Regularisations in Europe. Study on practices in the area of regularisation of illegally staying third-country nationals in the Member States of the EU, Vienna, January 2009.
Jandl, M. (2003): Estimates on the Numbers of Illegal and Smuggled Immigrants in Europe, Presentation given at the Workshop on Human Smuggling at the 8th International Metropolis Conference, 17 September 2003.
Kaczmarczyk, P., Okólski, M. (2005): International migration in Central and Eastern Europe ? current and future trends, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, New York.
Kaya, I. (2008): CLANDESTINO country report Turkey: Undocumented Migration Counting the Uncountable. Data and Trends across Europe, final version, December 2008.
Kraler, A. (2009): Regularisation: A misguided option or part and parcel of a comprehensive policy response to irregular migration?, IMISCOE Working Paper No.24.
Kupiszewski, M., Mattila, H. (eds.) (2008): Addressing the Irregular Employment of Immigrants in the European Union: Between Sanctions and Rights, Budapest: IOM, pp. 13-88.
Lahlou, M. (2008): CLANDESTINO country report Morocco: Undocumented Migration Counting the Uncountable. Data and Trends across Europe, final version, November 2008.
Médecins du Monde (2009): Access to healthcare for undocumented migrants in 11 European countries, 2008 survey report, European Observatory on Access to Healthcare, September 2009.
PICUM (2007): Undocumented migrants have rights! An overview of the international human rights framework, Brussels.
PICUM (2007): Access to health care for undocumented migrants in Europe, Brussels.
PICUM (2009): Undocumented children in Europe: Invisible victims of immigration restrictions, Brussels.
PICUM (2009): Undocumented and seriously ill: Residence permits for medical reasons in Europe, Brussels.
PICUM (2009): Understanding Irregular Migration in Northern Europe, Report on an International Workshop organized by PICUM, MRN and COMPAS on Understanding Irregular Migration in Northern Europe, London, March 27, 2009.
Pylynskyí, Y. (2008): CLANDESTINO country report Ukraine: Undocumented Migration Counting the Uncountable. Data and Trends across Europe, final version, December 2008.
Renoy, P., Ivarsson, S., van der Wusten-Gritsai, O., Meijer, R. (2004): Undeclared Work in an Enlarged Union. An Analysis of Undeclared Work: An In-Depth Study of Specific Items. Final Report. Brussels: European Commission.
Salt, J. (2006): Current trends in international migration in Europe, Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
Vogel, D., Cyrus, N. (2008): Irregular Migration in Europe ? Doubts about the Effectiveness of Control Strategies, focus Migration Policy Brief No 9, March 2008.