Germany: Link library

Link library for Germany


Schneider, J. (2012): Practical measures for reducing irregular migration , Research study in the framework of the European Migration Networt (EMN), Working Paper 41, Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), Nuremberg: 2012. 

Vogel, D., Aßner, M. (2011): Size, development and structure of the irregular population in Germany , expertise on behalf of the German national contact point for the European Migration Network (EMN) at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, October 2011. 


Alscher, S., R. Münz, et al. (2001):  Illegally present and illegally employed foreigners in Berlin. Living conditions, problems, recommendations . Demographie aktuell No. 17, Berlin: Humboldt University.

Alt, J. (2001):  Size Estimation. Annex 4 to Jörg Alt’s statement on the focus of immigration and asylum on the occasion of the hearing of the Independent Commission on Immigration on 26./27. April 2001 , Berlin.

Alt, J. (2005):  Illegality in a comparison of cities: Leipzig – Munich – Berlin.  IMIS Posts 27: 71-80.

Anderson, P. (2003):  ‘That they do not forget us. “People in illegality in Munich . An empirical study on behalf of the City of Munich, Munich: Social Department of the City of Munich.

BAMF (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) (2005):  Third-country nationals staying illegally in Germany. State approaches, profile and social situation . Research study 2005 within the framework of the European network, BAMF research report 2, Nuremberg: BAMF.

BAMF (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) (2007):  Migration report of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees on behalf of the Federal Government (Migration Report 2006) . Nuremberg: 2007.

BAMF (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) (2008):  Asylum in Figures 2007 . Nuremberg, BAMF.

BKA (Federal Criminal Police Office) (2007):  Police crime statistics 2006 . Federal Republic of Germany, 54th edition, Wiesbaden: BKA.

BMAS; KOK (2011) Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs; Nationwide coordination group against trafficking in women and violence against women in migration processes eV (KOK) (ed.) Study:  Development of sustainable support structures for those affected by human trafficking for labor exploitation. Berlin.

Cyrus, N. (2004):  Illegality under Residence Law in Germany. Social structure formation – interactions – political options . Report for the Advisory Council on Immigration and Integration, Nuremberg: BAMF.

Dollinger, F.-W., Ed. (2008):  From undeclared work to legal nursing services , lecture at the health policy seminar, April 26, 2008, Erbacher Hof, Mainz: Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

European Migration Network (EMN) (2007): Hecht, H., Abo Kadira, B.,
Schulte, W., Kohlmeier, M.,  2006 Policy Analysis Report on Migration and Asylum in Germany . 

Federal Government (2008):  Response of the Federal Government to the Minor Question from MP Ulla Jelpke and the DIE LINKE parliamentary group: Fatalities among refugees in the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union in 2007 . BT-Drucksache 16/7806, Berlin: German Bundestag.

Fleischer, A. (2007): ” Illegalization, legalization and family building processes: Using the example of Cameroonian migrants in Germany . Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Rostock, MPIDR WORKING PAPER WP 2007-011, Rostock: MPIDR.”

Haug, S. (2005):  The data situation in the field of migration and integration research . BAMF-Working Papers 1/2005, Nuremberg: BAMF.

Junkert, C., Kreienbrink, A. (2008): Irregular Employment of Migrant Workers in Germany? Legal Situation and Approaches to Tackling the Phenomenon, in: Marek Kupiszewski / Heikki Mattila (eds.):  Addressing the Irregular Employment of Immigrants in the European Union: Between Sanctions and Rights , Budapest: IOM, pp. 13-88.

Mitrovich, E. (2009):  School attendance by children of illegal migrants . Life in the shadow world. Study on the situation of people without valid papers in Hamburg. A field study on behalf of the Diakonisches Werk Hamburg. Working paper 3/2009.

Mitrovich, E. (2009):  Working in Illegality . Life in the shadow world. Study on the situation of people without valid papers in Hamburg. A field study on behalf of the Diakonisches Werk Hamburg. Working paper 5/2009.

Schneider, J. (2012): Measures to prevent and reduce irregular migration , study by the German national contact point for
the European Migration Network (EMN), Working Paper 41, Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), Nuremberg: 2012. 

Schneider, F. (2007):  After three years of decline, is the shadow economy forecast to rise again in Germany for the first time in 2007? Curse or blessing?

Schönwälder, K., Vogel, D., Sciortino, G. (2004):  Migration and Illegality in Germany , AKI Forschungsbilanz 1, Berlin. 

Schönwälder, K., Vogel, D., Sciortino, G. (2006):  Migration and Illegality in Germany , AKI Research Review 1, Berlin. 

Sinn, A., Kreienbrink, A., von Loeffelholz, HD (2005):  Illegally resident third-country nationals in Germany. Policy approaches, profile and social situation.  Research Study 2005 within the framework of the European Migration Network, Nuremberg: BAMF.

Spohn, M. (2010) “We haven’t forgotten you …” 10 years of dealing with people without a secure residence status in the state capital of Munich . The Munich model.

TAMPEP (2007): ” Germany – National Report on HIV and Sex Work . European Network for HIV / STI Prevention and Health Promotion among Migrant Sex Workers, TAMPEP: Amsterdam.”

Vogel, D. (2008):  People without valid residence permits. Conceptual and theoretical considerations . Life in the shadow world. Study on the situation of people without valid papers in Hamburg. A field study on behalf of the Diakonisches Werk Hamburg. Working paper 1/2008.

Vogel, D. (2009):  Illegality of children in Germany  ? Plausibility considerations and alternative calculations on the number of children without residence status, Hamburg: Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut (HWWI), March 12, 2009.

Vogel, D. (2009):  How many irregular residents are there in Germany?  Estimates on the basis of police criminal statistics, Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), Database on Irregular Migration, Working paper No.3

Vogel, D., Kovacheva, V. (2009):  Illegal in Europe – New database provides figures and documentation , in: HWWI Update February 2009. 

Vogel, D., Kovacheva, V. (2009):  New database? Illegal in Europe , Migration and Population, No. 3. 

Vogel, D., Aßner, M. (2009):  People without papers – state of research and the resulting expectations for Hamburg . Life in the shadow world. Study on the situation of people without valid papers in Hamburg. A field study on behalf of the Diakonisches Werk Hamburg. Working Paper 2 / February 2009.

Vogel, D., Aßner, M. (2009):  Logicom method? a method of estimating the number of people without valid papers in an area . Life in the shadow world. Study on the situation of people without valid papers in Hamburg. A field study on behalf of the Diakonisches Werk Hamburg. Working paper 6 / August 2009. 
Vogel, D., Aßner, M. (2009):  Data and calculations on people without residence status in Hamburg. Diakonie Hamburg . Life in the shadow world. Study on the situation of people without valid papers in Hamburg. A field study on behalf of the Diakonisches Werk Hamburg. Working Paper 7 / August 2009.

Vogel, D., Aßner, M. (2009):  People without Residence Status in Hamburg – Results of the Estimates on Scope and Structures . Life in the shadow world. Study on the situation of people without valid papers in Hamburg. A field study on behalf of the Diakonisches Werk Hamburg. Working Paper 8 / August 2009.

Vogel, D., Assner, M., Mitrovic, E., Kühne, A. (2009):  Life without papers: an empirical study on the living situation of people without valid residence papers in Hamburg . A field study on behalf of the Diakonisches Werk Hamburg. October 2009.

Vogel, D., Assner, M. (2010):  Children without residence status – illegally in the country, legally in school , study for the Expert Council of German Foundations for Integration and Migration (SVR), February 2010. 

Vogel, D., Aßner, M. (2011): Size, development and structure of the irregular population in Germany , expertise on behalf of the German national contact point for the European Migration Network (EMN) at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, October 2011.